Course Modules
ET2302 - Project-I
ET2305 - Project Management, Leadership and Communication
ET2407 - Wireless and Mobilecommunication
ET2405 - Optical Fibre Communication Sytems
ET2406 - Project - II
Feilds of Spcializations
Communication Engineering
Research Publications
Mafroos M.M., Hamzah A., Jameela H.H., (2022) "Passively Q-switched erbium doped fiber laser based on graphene and carbon nanotube saturable absorbers" Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 28, 227~233
Ling O.W., Hamzah A, Mohamed N., Mafroos M.M., (2022) "Performance Analysis of Passively Q-switched Fibre Laser by SWCNT-PVA Saturable Absorber" Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Smart Sensors
Mafroos M.M., Ameelia N., Jameela H.H., Hamzah A., "Characterizing Passively Q-switched Fiber Laser in LiDAR Application" Presented at the conference of the 2022 Malaysia-Japan Workshop on Radio Technology
Mafroos M.M., Ameelia N., Jameela H.H., Hamzah A., (2023) "Characterizing Passively Q-switched Fiber Laser in LiDAR Application" International Journal of Integrated Engineering 15 (3), 170-176
Musthafa K.M., Hamzah A., Ling O.W., Rosol A.H.A., Mohamed N., Mafroos M.M., Harun S., (2023) "Synthesisation, Fabrication, and Incorporation Techniques of MAX Phase and MXene Saturable Absorber in Passively Q-switched and Mode-locked All-fibre Laser Cavities: A Review"" Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology 32, Issue 2, 119-14
B.Eng. (Hons) (Malaysia)
M.Phil. (UTM) (Malaysia)
Associate Member of Institute of Engineering Sri Lanka (AMIESL)